iFREE GROUP is pleased to confirm that our cooperation with Visa has now entered its 4(th) year. The promotions that we are now offering to cardholders are for our MOGO SIM card with different data plans and MOGO S2 with 30GB data.
All of these promotions are promoted through partner banks in China to their Visa cardholders issued in mainland China and used for travel when abroad. The data plans are not usable in Mainland China. If the users want purchase of data plans or top up, they can access the MOGO VAPP website to manage their requirements: https://vapp.ifreegroup.cn/#/home
The available promotions are as follows:
1. USD1/Day MOGO Card
Mainland China Visa cardholders can purchase a card +300MB/day global plan at a cost of USD1 per data plan.
Link: https://v.ifreegroup.cn/vpack-promotion
2. 15-day 3GB MOGO card for USD9.90
Mainland China Visa cardholders can purchase a card + 3GB global data at a cost of USD9.90.
Link: https://v.ifreegroup.cn/vpack-promotion
3. MOGO S2 with 30GB data for USD88
Mainland China Visa cardholders can purchase a MOGO S2 with:
One 30-day 30GB Free global data package" (excluding China)
FREE GROUP 与 Visa 的合作现已进入第4 个年头。我们现在为持卡人提供的促销活动是MOGOSIM 卡不同数据流量套餐和MOGOS2总计30GB 数据流量。
所有促销活动均通过在中国的合作银行向在中国大陆发行并用于出国旅行的 Visa 持卡人进行推广。优惠流量套餐不可在中国大陆使用。 .如果用户想要购买数据流量套餐或充值,他们可以访问 MOGO VAPP 网站来管理他们的需求: https://vapp.ifreegroup.cn/#/home
1. 1 美元/天MOGO 卡
2. 15 天 3GB MOGO 卡仅需 9.90 美元
3. MOGO S2 30GB 全球套餐价值 88 美元
中国大陆 Visa 持卡人可以购买 MOGO S1并包含以下流量套餐:
一份 30天 30GB 免费环球地区套餐(不包括中国)