SmartHK is the flagship event of the Guangdong-Hong Kong Cooperation Week. The cooperation week is launched by The Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) in May 2023, following the full resumption of cross-border trade between Hong Kong and mainland China. iFREE GROUP has been working closely with the HKTDC for several years and this event aims to promote Hong Kong's services and facilitates, exploring new business opportunities between Guangdong and Hong Kong. The opening speech at SmartHK was delivered by Mr. John Lee, the Chief Executive of the HKSAR, highlighting the significance of the occasion.
SmartHK hosts a series of specialised forums, with renowned business leaders as keynote speakers, providing participants with the latest market insights and networking opportunities. The event also featured exhibitions and presentations by innovative startups, complemented by business matching services. TROLLEE participated in this section, as one of the innovative technology company representatives, and the team showcased P1 onsite. TROLLEE caught the interest from GBA government officials and tech industry executives and investors.
During the event TROLLEE and Yannie Yip, our Marketing Manager, was one of the companies selected to be interviewed by RTHK. The video can be viewed here (Yannie is at 5.21 minutes): https://youtu.be/iDsTSpC_9l4
SmartHK推动高质量发展·香港论坛是「粤港合作周」的旗舰活动。自香港与内地恢复全面通关后,香港贸易发展局(HKDTC)于2023年5月在大湾区全力策动首个「粤港合作周」,iFREE GROUP多年来一直与香港贸易发展密切合作, 本次合作周聚焦香港的优质服务与设施,探讨粤港合作新机遇,并特别邀请香港特别行政区行政长官李家超致开幕辞。
在活动期间,TROLLEE和我们的市场经理叶小因(Yannie Yip)被香港电台选中接受采访。视频链接:https://youtu.be/iDsTSpC_9l4(叶小因出现在5分21秒处)。