TROLLEE is taking the retail industry by storm with our 4th award as One of the Best Practice Cases in Retail Marketing by CCAGM

连获四个奖项! 多利GO席卷零售行业并荣获由中国百货商业协会颁发的零售营销最佳实践案例奖项

TROLLEE was selected as the one of the Best Practice Cases in Retail Marketing by CCAGM, (China Commerce Association for General Merchandise) which was announced at the 19th China Department Store Retail Summit on 26 August 2022.

Supported by the Ministry of Commerce, co-organised by CCAGM and Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Commerce, the 19th China Department Store Retail Summit was held in Nanjing during 25-27th Aug.

The summit focused on retail enterprises' transformation and development strategies. Representatives of retail companies from across the country gathered in Nanjing to have a full exchange of ideas while listening to the experiences shared by a number of entrepreneurs and outstanding companies. The summit is one of CCAGM’s most important annual events, which has high influence in the industry.

多利GO同时获得了中国百货商业协会的认可并入选为二零零二年度零售业典型营销创新案例 。 此榜单在二零零二年八月二十六日举行的第十九届中国百货零售峰会上正式向业界发布。 由商务部支持、中国百货商业协会和南京市商务局联合主办的“第十九届中国百货零售业高峰论坛”,于2022年8月25-27日在南京召开。 本届大会以“蓄势聚能 向新而生”为主题,围绕零售企业转型发展策略展开讨论。来自全国各地的零售企业代表汇聚一堂,悉心听取企业家和优秀企业经验分享的同时,进行了充分的沟通交流。大会以专业性和前瞻性备受行业赞誉,多年来引领零售业的发展,已成为零售领域最具权威性、影响力、号召力的品牌大会之一。